CONTEMPLATE the SONGS of NATURE ~ AWAKEN to the DIVINE In EVERYTHING... .Click "Older Posts" on lower right of each post page for MORE earlier posted stories and art.

Visiting Higher Up

August 2011

Little lizard was between my plants on the outdoor counter opposite kitchen.
© Joy Krauthammer

Blew It

July, 2011
OK, I blew it; left open the back yard screen door, maybe an inch for a minute. I was lazy, not careful. Opportunity was taken and the reptilian creature entered my domain, right by the large open book case filled with everything else but books  (music, photos, teachings...) His tail looked like he's escaped from elsewhere. Where is he now?  I am not happy. I don't want to find him curled in my fuzzy slipper, nor anywhere else.

(I think I enjoy much more, the recent guests this month at my home: bunnies and nesting doves.)

BlesSings, Joy

SURPRISE, Prisoner Again

Legend of Lounging Lizards, continued


I was so happy that I was no longer a prisoner of my own house.
Pudgy baby lizard by my bedroom window
(c) Joy Krauthammer
I felt free to leave open my back door as I went outside for only a moment. 
NOW I can not.
They have intruded, trespassed.
I used to love the lounging lizards. I was overly concerned for them.

I went out to see the clouds and photograph. I examined the growing citrus and baby buds, the green rain loving artichoke plants and bright yellow daffodils.
Coming back in, there they were; a medium sized lizard (maybe last years) and a baby lizard scampering on my back porch and onto my house wall by my window, behind the wood irises, protected.
Maybe I'll see the lounging lizards again sun/light bathing under my lantern.
Oh, my. I thought they were gone, and now, NOT.

I know I scared them, just as they surprised me. Why me?
Only the other day I consciously felt a sigh of relief that the lizards were no longer my guests.
For a few months, I have not seen them.
There are also no more visiting cats, only cat poems from my pen.


About Me

My photo
Joy Serves G*d in Joy as a passionate performing percussionist, poet, publisher, photographer, publicist, sound healer, spiritual guide, artist, gardener and Gemini. "Ivdu Et Hashem B'Simcha" -Psalm 100:2 ....... Joy Krauthammer, active in the Jewish Renewal, Feminist, and neo-Chasidic worlds for over three decades, kabbalistically leads Jewish women's life-cycle rituals. ... Workshops, and Bands are available for all Shuls, Sisterhoods, Rosh Chodeshes, Retreats, Concerts, Conferences & Festivals. ... My kavanah/intention is that my creative expressive gifts are inspirational, uplifting and joyous. In gratitude, I love doing mitzvot/good deeds, and connecting people in joy. In the zechut/merit of Reb Shlomo Carlebach, zt'l, I mamash love to help make our universe a smaller world, one REVEALING more spiritual consciousness, connection, compassion, and chesed/lovingkindness; to make visible the Face of the Divine... VIEW MY COMPLETE PROFILE and enjoy all offerings.... For BOOKINGS write: joyofwisdom1 at, leave a COMMENT below, or call me. ... "Don't Postpone Joy" bear photo montage by Joy. Click to enlarge. BlesSings, Joy