Legend of Lounging Lizards, continued
I was so happy that I was no longer a prisoner of my own house.
Pudgy baby lizard by my bedroom window
(c) Joy Krauthammer |
I felt free to leave open my back door as I went outside for only a moment. NOW I can not.
They have intruded, trespassed.
I used to love the lounging lizards. I was overly concerned for them.
I went out to see the clouds and photograph. I examined the growing citrus and baby buds, the green rain loving artichoke plants and bright yellow daffodils.
Coming back in, there they were; a medium sized lizard (maybe last years) and a baby lizard scampering on my back porch and onto my house wall by my window, behind the wood irises, protected.
Maybe I'll see the lounging lizards again sun/light bathing under my lantern.
Oh, my. I thought they were gone, and now, NOT.
I know I scared them, just as they surprised me. Why me?
Only the other day I consciously felt a sigh of relief that the lizards were no longer my guests.
For a few months, I have not seen them.
There are also no more visiting cats, only cat poems from my pen.